
Path: lib/rods.rb
Last Update: Sun Sep 04 20:51:31 +0200 2011

coding: UTF-8

RODS - Ruby Open Document Spreadsheet

This class provides a convenient interface for fast reading and writing spreadsheets conforming to Open Document Format v1.1.. Installiation of an office-application (LibreOffice, is not required as the code directly manipulates the XML-files in the zipped *.ods-container.


Copyright (c) Dr. Heinz Breinlinger (2011). Licensed under the same terms as Ruby. No warranty is provided.


As *.ods-files are zipped archives you need to

  $ sudo gem install zip


Please refer to README for how to use the interface with many annotated examples.

Required files

rubygems   zip/zipfilesystem   rexml/document  
